Blackwing Experience

Blackwing ExperienceThis post is in celebration of the launch of the new Palomino Blackwing 602 we release for sale at midnight tonight and as a fun way to share my own poetic creativity this month given our contest themes. Thus I’ve written my own “Ode to Blackwing” shared here below. Not a great literary effort, but I had fun writing it anyway. A more detailed account of this pencil’s history can be found here or here. Anyway I hope it will inspire you to check out and participate in our Drawing and Writing Contests this month to win free Palomino Blackwing and Palomino Blackwing 602 pencils.

Ode to Blackwing

Written by Charles “WoodChuck” Berolzheimer

There once was a pencil, it was really the thing. Went by the name of Eberhard-Faber BlackwingProduced a graphite line so smooth and clean. No pencil could rival its metallic lacquer sheen.

It felt like butter as it slid across the pagehad an extendable flat eraser, though that tended to age.They called it the 602, said it wrote with half the pressure, twice the speedSome really thought this pencil fit their special need.

Was favored by writers, musicians, artists and more.From whom creative juices would never cease to pour. Steinbeck, Thomas Wolfe and the poet MacLeish. Their creative energies were really unleashed.

Musical numbers from Overton, Sondheim and RiddleTo them other pencils were just second fiddle.Animations galore from Chuck Jones and his ilk,with flowing lines that went down smooth as silk.

The old Faber factory sold to one, then anotherThat special graphite formula maybe lost foreverWhen the corporation saw no profit in fixin’ a machine. The Blackwing days were bound to get a little lean.

The Boston Athenaeum, it’s scholars and librarian. Bought up the old stock and started a hoardin’. Selling Blackwings by the pencil for 20, 30, 40 bucks a pop! And a legend began to grow, the 602 was headed over the top.

Then along came the Palomino with it’s deep, rich graphite feel. The bloggers all said that for a buck a pencil that’s quite a deal. The mighty orange pony kept a trotting slow and steady. Building up a stable of riders until the time was a ready.

And one by one the old Blackwing fans kept asking, “Won’t you please bring back that extending eraser thing? Our 602s are getting scarce and even more costly. To be used only when the muses strike us hotly.”

So Woodchuck toiled and tinkered, thinking how can it be done? There’s just not enough volume, it’ll cost a ton. But he finally got the nerve up to take the big risk. Ordered the eraser tooling and prayed business would be brisk.

He designed the new pencils to be dark, soft and smooth. With a black lacquer finish he thought would really groove. He worried some small gold flecks were a bit too profuse. So sought feedback from bloggers, and all hell broke loose.

Where’s that gray, metallic finish? What about my pink eraser? No 602? And why did you drop that slogan, Half the Pressure? Yes, it’s super smooth and darker than the Eberhard Fabe. But boy we sharpen so often, it really takes some labor.

Still they came, they bought and the Palomino Blackwing was born. Better than an iPad? asked the Globe as they tooted the horn. So Pegasus came down on Mt. Helicon from the heavens. Thus creating the spring, where gathered the muses, seven.

So writers, artists, musicians and pencil fans. Were pleased to have Blackwings back in their hands. Their pencil creativity unleashed once again. Putting pencil to paper, smooth as gel pen. 

But, upon Woodchuck his mind still did nag. That he did not yet have success in the bag. So back to the drawing board to work on version two. To refine this pencil for those he wished still to woo.

A new formulation of graphite so firm and smooth. It lasts one-third longer and that is the truth. Back came the slogan Half the Pressure, Twice the Speed. As his customer’s notions he wished to heed. 

A shiny new finish to match the old Faber. With polished brilliance of a brand new sabre. So sure to cure those long and weary blues. Of those who mourn Eberhard-Faber 602s.

I’ve got the Blackwing Blues. Sick of paying 30 bucks for my 602’s. Can’t Draw! Can’t Write! But everything’s gonna be alright. Cause the Palomino’s comin’ out tonight!

2 replies
  1. Anonymous
    Anonymous says:

    Wood Chuck, you are a creative genius that is at work all the time,
    You “re-write” the mystery of a pencil so fine…,
    Made out of passion in the “Eberhard-Faber” time,

    To those who have a passion for pencils, these lines are mine,
    Smitten by Blackwing so many times,
    We now call it “Palomino” with time,
    With its softness, and Black shine,
    It cast a spell each time,

    Take a ride, and feel the beat,
    So pick it up and feel the speed,
    Undoubtedly it is a through breed,

    “Speed and Pressure” are strategies of our times,
    With computers and inpatients that is relevant to our times,
    But you bring back a pencil yet so fine,
    That adds miraculous words to our time,

    It is cool to have one, or two,
    No, I guess, just give me a box or two,
    For one never knows why it’s an asset of mine,
    That should not be forgotten once again, with time,

    For it is not just a labor of love,
    It is an investment out of love,
    For it is not just for monitory gains,
    But for those who value, “tradition” and “fame”,

    Then this pencil is just for you,
    So special in its “re-birth”,
    With all its pains,
    That “fame of Palomino” shall remain,

    With a tribute to the Faber’s the Founders to whom I pay my respect dear,
    You bring a winning horse, that’s so dear,

    For not just our times then,
    But for times, that shall come…
    when my words will be barley remembered by a few,
    But my passion still lives through…

    Poem written by Rohit Barar – 3rd generation -Pencil Maker


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